Nourishing Postpartum Doula Care

Nourishing Postpartum Doula Care

Thrive and Grow as a New Family with Specialized Support

Becoming a new parent grows your heart exponentially and drains all your energy!

This might be your first baby or maybe you are changing the dynamics of your family by adding a new baby to the crew. The months following birth are often filled with doing whatever you can to survive each day. Mama, you are  making sure all the kids are fed, have a clean diaper, are wearing clean clothes, and sleeping when needed. You are doing the best you can to meet your own basic needs, too, but struggling. It’s hardcore survival and exhausting.

What if instead of just surviving you might be able to thrive?

The Realities and Challenges of Growing your family

New parents often encounter a variety of challenges, including:


Sleepless Nights:

Caring for a newborn is hard. They eat every couple of hours and tend to have nights and days confused which leaves parents exhausted. Desperatly looking for sleep at every opportunity.


Cold Coffee and Forgetting to Eat:

With a newborn you may find your coffee gets cold and reheated too many times. You may find yourself not even realizing when the last time you ate. There's a half eaten bowl of soup because baby needed you.


A Messy House:

You can’t find the burp rag. The dishes are piling up in the sink. There's a pile of clean cloths right next to the pile of dirty clothes. Let’s not even talk about all the toddler toys. The house feels like a disaster zone.


Emotional Highs and Lows:

As the birthing person, you find yourself standing over a pot of soup crying and you have no idea why. When you look at your baby peacefully sleeping your heart swells with love. It’s an emotional rollercoaster.


A Million Questions:

You feel lost as a parent. You want to make sure you are doing everything right. You question: How to cut baby nails? Do I really need to sterilize the bottles? How many diapers do I need in a day? Are my boobs supposed to hurt this much? Is my baby spitting up too much? The questions are endless…the googling might be a little extra intense right now.


Lack of Everyday Support:

Family and friends are helping out but it seems you are hosting them which feels exhausting. It's hard to say no to them coming over because they so want to meet the new baby.But there's no one willing to be up with the baby all hours of the night. You feel lonely and isolated. You aren't even sure the last time you left the house.

Common Roles of a Postpartum Doula


Make it, serve it to you, store it. Ensuring mom has healthy food to nourish her and baby.

Light Housework:

Picking up, dishes, laundry, sweeping, wiping table/counter, ect.


Setting up and organizing baby items, organizing the space to work best for mom/partner.

Emotional Support:

A sounding board for all your questions and navigating the emotional rollercoaster of new parenthood.

Newborn Care:

Taking care of the newborn so parents may meet their own needs.

Parenting Skills:

Teaching skills around newborn care, including things like diapering, nursing, and nifty tricks for newbor care.

Parents Needs:

Focusing on the birthing person (and partner) to assess and support in meeting your unique needs.

How a Postpartum Doula Helps

As a new parent all your energy and love is directed towards your precious newborn. With so much focus on your baby doing basic things is hard. It’s hard to shower, eat enough food, and drink water. It feels nearly impossible to do the housework…keeping the floor picked up, laundry clean and folded, doing the dishes. Let’s be honest, you likely aren’t doing much house cleaning. You are doing what you can to survive this day. 

That’s where Heidi, as a postpartum doula, comes in. She will make sure YOUR needs, as a parent, are taken care of. Ensuring you have nourishing food, plenty of water, time to shower and she will do some of that pesky housework. She is here to help you start to THRIVE in the months following the birth of your baby. 

Thrive as a New Parent!

Fill your family life with peace and joy by adding Heidi (as a postpartum doula) to your village. We were never meant to parent in as much isolation as we often do (in the United States). You deserve to have a village around you so you can learn who you are as a parent, have time to take care of yourself, and heal after giving birth. Investing in your own healing and postpartum journey will benefit your entire family. With adequate support you can move from merely surviving to thriving, and dare I say, actually enjoying your postpartum time!

About Your Postpartum Doula,

Heidi Lindeman

Heidi is a multipassionate human who wears many hats. She has over 10 years of nanny experience. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) with a M.A in Clinical Mental Health and a Masters in Divinity. With her extensive background and deep spiritual insight, Heidi is dedicated to helping parents create a nurturing and balanced family life, right from the beginning.

Create Your Village: One Person at a Time

Are you close to your baby’s due date and nervous about how your life will change? Are you deep in the newborn stage and about to lose your mind? Are you ready to get the support you deserve? You do not have to figure everything out on your own. By asking for help you move yourself one step closer to THRIVING!

Nourishing Postpartum Care comes to you in custom formats, to meet your unique needs. Support is offered at your home in 2 to 6 hour time frames. Maybe you need 2  hours to nap, maybe you need 4 hours to feel fully supported, or maybe you want 6 hours to allow yourself to be deeply nourished.

Grow your village by one postpartum doula, today! 

Book Your Discovery Call Today!

Take the first step towards a more joyful, thriving and fulfilling family life. Discover the difference creating a village makes to having a thriving and joy filled family! Contact us now to schedule a discovery call about our Nourishing Postpartum Care.