As a mom, your life is focused on your kids.
As a mom, your focus has shifted from yourself (and your partner if you have one) to full-force kids. They are your number one priority.
You get an opportunity at work to travel for a month, something you have WANTED SO badly. Or you did before you had kids. And your first thought is, “Oh, I don’t know if I can leave my kids. Will that be too much for my partner to manage?”
So, you decline because you are a “good” mom.
That’s just one choice that has left you feeling drained and empty. You hate life and wonder how in the hell you can find enjoyment in parenting. After all, you love your kids, even though they drive you bonkers. It’s not that you don’t want to have them. But YOU want to matter, too. It would be nice to do something JUST for you without all the mom guilt and shame.
Let me help you ignite the passion in your soul.
Honoring your needs and doing things for yourself will revitalize your energy for life and change your family. You will feel joy, love, and even great laughter with your kids. I mean, come on! Have you listened to the things that fly out of your kids’ mouths or watched their goofy spirits moving their bodies in that unique way that’s special to them? They can be hilarious!
Here’s a fun little note: When she was six months old, my oldest child used to tilt her head to the side in the most curious way. Recently, she saw a picture of herself doing this, and BAM, she started doing it again – head tilt, eyes wide, goofy smirk – which made the youngest bust up laughing. I was laughing, too! Such a joyous family moment.
Kids are precious, and those playful, silly moments are incredible. Yet, often, parenting is profound and filled with staying emotionally regulated so as not to traumatize the child. You yell at your kid in frustration because they will just – NOT GET DRESSED! Then yelling leads to mom guilt, even the terrible shame spiral and crying. As a result, you pull yourself together, apologize, and hope you can do better.
But damn. What in the world will shift this?
I can tell you what will shift it.
Therapy allows you to slow down enough to recognize what is happening inside you when kids are doing kid things. Then, I could help you release the pain that leads you to yell again and again.
And my dear soul, we will tenderly care for ALL of you. In nourishing yourself and loving yourself, you will FIND yourself again. Then, you walk confidently in your life, knowing exactly who you are and making decisions from your authentic core.
Your light can truly shine, and you can feel lighter, playful, expansive, and creative. Life becomes fun and a joy! Being a mom becomes the joyful, purposeful experience you imagined it would be.
Step into your empowerment now.
Claim your authentic self.
Being part of the Queer community, inside you are all sparkly! Wouldn’t it be great if your inside uniqueness could be expressed outwardly without feeling so much anxiety or confusion? There is so much more openness today to being authentic, creative, and true to yourself, though it can feel scary to put yourself out there.
You may not even fully understand who you are. Yes, you identify as pansexual, but you’ve only been with one person, so how do you KNOW you’d like to be with someone from the same sex? Doubt creeps in. What if it feels weird to be intimate with them? How do we even have sex?
Your logical mind can very well figure out the mechanics of sex. But there’s a worry deep inside. These doubts run through your mind. Exploring who you are can be nerve-wracking. Deep down, you believe you should know who you are and shouldn’t need to experiment.
All you want is to be free to be out and accepted. Hiding is too damn hard. Confining and keeping yourself small sucks. The dark closet is no longer for you.
Step out into the light.
Allow it to reflect off your brilliant soul. You, my dear, were made to shine!
When you are ready to find the confidence to be bold, I am here to support you on the path.
You are allowed to move from the darkness into the light. The pace at which you emerge is entirely up to you. You can unlock your brilliance with compassion, kindness, gentleness, and complete acceptance.
Make the call to be YOU.
About Heidi Lindeman, LPC, MA, MDiv
Parenting taught me many lessons.
Hey, it’s me again, Heidi! I thought you might want to hear a little more about me. My life (which includes all the college/master’s degrees) is the foundation for how and who I help.
My journey to motherhood began at the young age of 12 when I begged my parents to have another baby! Haha – that didn’t work. I was the youngest and knew I’d be a mom. Here I am, a couple of decades later, a mom.
Mothering is a full breadth of experience. It can range from complete joy in being blessed with two amazing souls (I’m in complete awe of them) to overwhelm, anger, frustration, and pure exhaustion!
I have spent way too much time in anger and frustration. As a result, I have learned that by calming my body, knowing all the parts of me that get triggered, and practicing self-care, I have significantly reduced my anger to mere moments (instead of a constant thing).
I have upped joy, laughter, playfulness, and connections with my kids. I AM PARENTING in a way that is AUTHENTIC and aligned with me! I couldn’t have done it without some support.
Helping other parents authentically is my goal.
Helping moms overcome overwhelm and step into the joy of parenting brings me joy.
IFS and Human Design are the two most significant tools (ways of life) I use to make drastic changes in our family life. I’m all about helping you know yourself and your kids more deeply so that you can have a joyful family life.
I stepped into parenting on my own, using a donor. I am bold and make what most matters to me happen. But now, I’m in a relationship with a female, which has been magical!
Self-discovery can bring new possibilities.
I went through a time when I thought I was bi-sexual, but it never felt quite right. Then I heard the word PANSEXUAL. My whole body lit up. Now, I get it! The energy that I felt when drawn to certain people makes sense. Ah! I’m pansexual. I sense, feel, think, know, and love it.
That journey of self-discovery has been years in the making and just beautiful. I am an open book, ready to help you write your story. Tell who YOU indeed are, with all the twists and turns. And landing in your authenticity, you radiate strongly into the world.
My life is a story within a story.
There has been darkness, depression, pain, shame, and anger, causing me to hate my life and not want to live. I struggled with suicidal thoughts for over a decade.
Then I found DEEP TRANSFORMATION. I KNEW the suicidal thoughts meant more than wanting to kill myself. I delved deep into them. Discovering meanings in each way, I thought about killing myself. As a result, I transformed the wisdom gained into a self-care safety plan, which involved talking to friends and relying on my therapist.
Then, IFS came into my life, and I was hooked. I finally saw my suicidal parts and got to know them on a deep level (e.g., how they were protecting me from shame and wanted me to be safe). Again, I transformed that into a more profound desire, which helped release the burden of having to bring up death as the only option – allowing me to heal some shame.
My suicidal parts became excellent allies, helping transform me while no longer telling me to kill myself but rather caring for other parts of me. I feel such deep gratitude and compassion for my suicidal parts. Honestly, I adore them.
My transformation brought me insight.
Although I have gone through some shit, I have transformed and have found myself more connected to my soul. Now, I am more grounded, confident, sure, compassionate, with an open mind and heart.
I love who I am and want YOU to LOVE who YOU ARE!
Are you ready for transformation, to know yourself deeply, feel, and be Radically Authentic?
If so, schedule a Deep Dive by calling me now.
Here are my credentials.
This is for those who want to know more about my training and expertise. I have a Master of Divinity from Chicago Theological Seminary and a Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Regis.
I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) Certified Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapist with Level 3 training. I also have a postpartum doula certification from the International Doula Institute.
Finally, I participated in a Human Design nine-Month Class and am an Eternal Student of Life! 😉
Dear One, I look forward to talking with you soon! Schedule a Discovery call.